Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Letter of Last Legacy - Linda Mason, UK

Dear Commander

No preamble because we both know why you are reading this letter.

The UK no longer exists and it is entirely probable that the rest of the world is in or will soon be, in the same state. Armageddon at last, for it seems with hindsight that human kind has been hell bent on reaching this place since the dawn of time. In this situation it seems to me that you and your crew have three choices: One, you pop the pills now and join the rest of the human race in whatever afterlife is waiting for all of us. Two, you retaliate for what it is worth and bare the responsibility for the destruction of whatever remains and then live with that for whatever short time is left or three, you do not retaliate, you embrace the opportunity proffered and you accept that there is no point for retaliation, further destruction and that there will be no counsellors for post traumatic stress disorder and set full steam ahead in search of those that survive in a place that might just be able to sustain life in a new order.

The choice is yours.

I sincerely hope that you choose the latter and accept the responsibility for taking humans to a new stage in life on planet earth. That road is probably the hardest to choose for all the mistakes that we have made before are there waiting to be made all over again, if lessons are not learned. However, if you choose either of the two former then I do understand and I do not condemn. It’s down to hope. If you have hope in your hearts then life is possible, a new society is possible, a new order is possible but please, if that is your choice make the new order as equal, as spiritual but not religious, as kind and considerate, as peaceful, as joyful and life embracing as the old order was as unequal, unkind, inconsiderate, warlike, sad and over bearing and lacking in any good spirit at all. Teach the children that will come that the old order that brought them to this place and time they are born in was corrupt and wrong and that they have the opportunity to shrug off the sins of their parents and make a better planet with values that will never lead to another Armageddon. A chance to really learn the lessons of history for thus far, they have been ignored.

I do not envy your choices, nor your challenges, nor your knowledge of what is now history but I wish you peace in whatever path you choose.

Linda Mason

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